
FramelandA short RPG with a big heart.

Frameland is a game about humans, robots, and what's in between. Venture through a world past the brink of destruction and discover carefully concealed truths. Fight vicious swarms in turn-based battles with a twist: time your attacks for maximum impact!

An unknown world. A looming threat of destruction. Two perspectives. A journey back home.

Frameland features unique old-school pixel art and 16-bit music for your nostalgia fix. Timed turn-based battles keep you on the edge of your seat. Explore a rich world and discover Condorra’s darkest secrets.



KeyartKeyart with Logo


Story cutscene with RyiuBlackhole AttackExploring an islandEmergency Protocol activatedBattleHarbor and market in Trovo



Team & History

  • markus

    Game Design

  • sebastian

    Map Design

  • mario


Frameland Games is a game company based in Vienna, Austria. We believe that good games don't have to be big. In 2016, as a small team of three, we started working on a new project: Our own take on the classical RPG!

And additional help from:Laura Löffler (facesets, keyart & more)Jason Perry (enemy design, sprites & tilesets)

After about a year, the first demo was ready and presented at the Reversed Game Festival in Vienna, Austria.Reversed Game Festival, 2017Demoing the first time at Reversed Game Festival in Vienna, 2017

Based on the feedback we gathered, we reworked the combat system to make it more engaging. We have kept the classic turn-based nature that allows you to plan ahead, but we have added a unique timing mechanic that adds a bit of skill to each battle.

Now, after 6 years of development, we are nearing the finish line and hope to release Frameland in 2023.